CouponDunia wanted an innovative marketing solution that would engage existing customers as well as reach new audiences. Traditional TV advertising offers reach, but the CouponDunia team realised that the interactive nature of video could engage its audience more effectively. Let's find out how this coupon aggregator reached and engaged their audience, and built some brand love along the way.
- Increase brand awareness amongst their target audience
- Create an innovative digital campaign that stands out in a competitive market
- Researched the target audience to determine the most popular YouTube channels by subscriber and inventory growth
- Created 50 unique, hyper-targeted skippable ads that engaged viewers with humour and were relevant to the YouTube content they were about to watch
- Used cards to enable visits directly from their videos
- A 13% increase in visitors to the website over an eight-week period
- 32% of viewers watched the entire 30 second ad (nearly double the usual rate)
- An 8% month-on-month rise in revenue
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