Ultimately it comes down to the production company you’ve chosen to ensure your idea for a video has been developed into a cohesive script, to effectively plan and execute your video shoot, and to edit the footage down to an exciting and informative video that provides your audience valuable knowledge about your business.
But there are many things that you and your employees can do to help the production company along with the process. By following these helpful tips, you can help save time in the planning, execution and editing of your video – and we all know when you save time, you save money.
Here are a few things that you can do to help expedite the process to ensure a smooth experience and a project delivered on-time and on budget.
1: Know Your Audience
It’s very important to know who you want watching your video. Are you trying to generate leads for your company? Explaining your technology or product to early adopters? Trying to increase conversion rates on your website? The more accurately you know your audience, and the information you wish to present them, the more you can help ensure your production company accomplish your goals.
2: Watch Other Videos
When crafting your idea for a video, take some time to watch examples of corporate videos, promotional videos and advertisements. Save the links and make notes on what you liked and didn’t like. Being able to give your filmmakers visual references will help jumpstart the development process and ensure you and your production company are on the same page.
3: Know Where Your Video Will Live
Often times businesses haven’t given thought to where they want their video to be seen. If you plan on having your video play on your website you might want your video to look and feel very different then if you’re looking for a broad audience on YouTube. If you’re planning on having your video broadcast on television, let your filmmakers know early on so they can plan ahead. Where the final video ultimately lives will dictate the type of equipment, cameras, video codecs and final delivery format your production company will use. If you don’t plan ahead you can run into compatibility and quality issues down the road.
4: Clear Schedules First
Your business and employees are very busy! Often times trying to get everyone in the same room can feel like herding cats… sometimes literally. If you’re able to schedule the shoot far enough in advance (even before the script has been fully developed) you can ensure the key personnel will be available for the camera.
5: Know Where To Shoot
If your production company will be filming an interview at your office there are a few things to keep in mind when choosing the room to film in. Size matters! Try and choose a room that is large enough for the gear, crew, and the interview subject. Bonus points if you have a room with a nice background, like a window with a view.
Audio is something else to keep in mind. Is the room you want to film in right next to a row of sales people busy on the phones? Try and find a space that can be quiet while filming, and off the beaten path of your employees. You don’t want to spend an hour getting the perfect take, only to have to start over because your employees were doing what they do best: Working!
If you work in a large office complex or are shooting in a tech-savvy conference room, make sure you know how to reach the building maintenance department. Video crews can often edit out noise coming from an air conditioner or flag off an offending overhead light – but being able to address these issues before your crew starts rolling saves time and money in the editing room.
6: Have A Style-Guide Ready
Providing your production company with the details of your brand’s style-guide will cut down design time in the editing room and ensure the final look of the video will perfectly compliment the rest of your company’s marketing materials. Having assets like fonts, logos, and specific colors available early in the process will save time and money later.
7: Know Who Has Editorial Approval
Often times many of your employees will be involved in the making of your corporate video. It’s always encouraged to have as much input from key people in your organization as possible, but when it comes to reviewing and approving editorial revisions, it’s important to know exactly who needs to be giving notes on further revisions, and who can ultimately sign off on the completed project. Make sure these people are available to review the cut when it’s ready! Nothing causes a production company more anxiety then waiting to hear back on an edit while watching the deadline rush closer and closer.
So there you go! With these 7 tips in mind, you can count on your next video project to be high quality, under budget and completed before the deadline.