An expertly crafted corporate video not only strengthens ties with your existing patrons, it also positively presents your brand and company’s goals to prospective clients. However, even the best editing and video equipment for amateurs cannot produce the results a professional video production company can. Here are a few reasons why, when it’s time to update your corporate video, it’s wise to employ the services of an established video production company.
Cost of a Corporate Video
The initial cost of having a corporate video professionally produced is what turns many clients away from the process. However, when you budget in several factors — including the cost of purchasing professional video and editing equipment — you might be surprised at how affordable it can be. If this is your first attempt at producing a corporate video internally, expect the possibility of several costly setbacks and delays. From re-shoots to editing issues, it will actually cost you less to have your corporate video produced professionally. So instead of spending your weekends reading a video camera’s instruction manual or installing editing software, pass the responsibilities to a qualified professional.
Search the Internet, including YouTube, for corporate videos. It won’t take years of editing or production experience for you to determine the videos shot professionally and the videos created by amateurs. Many companies don’t have the budget to hire a staff and purchase the necessary equipment to create a quality product. So instead of asking an inexperienced employee to shoot a shaky video on his smartphone, hire an experienced professional video production company.
Your Audience
Today’s consumers are smart, savvy and sophisticated. They know quality, what they like and aren’t afraid to turn off a poorly produced commercial or video before it ends. Nothing is more unattractive to a prospective or established client than a boring, poorly produced corporate video. A professional production company is aware of what makes a corporate video interesting as well as how to effectively represent your brand in an engaging and entertaining manner. Don’t risk losing a potential client because your video won’t hold their interest.
Your Reputation
Finally, if you’re still on the fence about hiring a professional video production company, there is one critical point to consider: your company’s reputation. Remember that a corporate video is a potential client’s first glimpse into your brand. Provide a poor first impression and chances are the client will look elsewhere. Dazzle the client with your professionally produced video, though and you’ll leave a lasting positive impression that might land you the account.
A thoughtfully crafted corporate video is the best way to positively portray your company or brand. Instead of agonizing over the video’s concept and execution, turn to the professionals at Visual Entity